Well, Mr. FishDuck has had another narcissistic Drama King episode with regard to his fan boy website. Apparently as of last week he will no longer be posting daily articles by the site's writers. His site will be "live" as will the links but only he will post the occasional article...according to him...which essentially ends his much hyped comment section made up of about 10-15 regulars.
As is usual with him, he promotes how his site is unique and like no other blah blah blah. He is especially proud of his no troll civil discussions comment section. It is all a facade. With 32 commenting rules and his favorites permitted to troll as often as they desire along with Mr. FishDuck is "civil" because you have to agree with Mr. FishDuck's point of view and his slate of hitman writers or else eventually you get dismissed. He simply does not tolerate any continued disagreement with his points of view no matter how civil you present yourself.
As well he hides behind his claim of providing "critical analysis" is smokescreen so he and his writers can do anything but..."critical analysis" with zero access to any of the people being "analyzed"...with writers who have no background or experience in writing...posting articles with anonymous would think after 10-years he would have a sustainable business model for his website besides paying for it out of his own pocket while everyone writes / works for free. Nope...yet he never hesitates to criticize all the other Duck sports oriented websites....which is why I have no problems criticizing him here.
It is his website and he can make the rules but what he promotes is the exact opposite of reality.
NOTE: Mr. FishDuck has had these "the sky is falling" episodes before with claims of being unable to continue, too stressed out, etc....only to have his 10-15 regular commenters come rushing to kiss the ring with promises to help...which usually within a few months recharges Mr. FishDuck to launch a "new and improved" FishDuck...until the next "it is over" episode. The new website for his followers commenting is being headed by one person in particular and the name of the site is website is live but not yet ready for participation. Plans are for writers, articles, etc...along with requests for money to help pay for it.
Which leads me to end on a more positive note...what I enjoy the most about this forum is the fact there are NO WRITERS / ARTICLES. We simply share links and news...then comment. Plus, Mr. FishDuck is wrong about having exclusivity on a no-troll comment we don't need 32 rules for commenting...most of us came here glad to be rid of the osu trolls on OLive...yet to see a troll on here at all. Even better, we don't have a Mr. FishDuck running our civil forum.
Last edited by DucksReign (7/27/2021 6:24 pm)