This is the first I've heard about the stipulation.
In the past we've been resided to try to see if a questionable player is seen in uniform before the game starts. Fellow Ducks fans and journalist would be posting to Twitter on whether a questionable player was seen in uniform before the game.
Things shouldn't really change that much I suppose. Teams shouldn't have to guess as much in prep for the game. I doubt it ever gave that much of an advantage by trying to be coy.
Presumably the rule change was based on good merit right? Well, apparently the betting markets in the gambling industry needs to have accurate info to set the lines before games. Go figure.
Phil wrote:
This is the first I've heard about the stipulation.
In the past we've been resided to try to see if a questionable player is seen in uniform before the game starts. Fellow Ducks fans and journalist would be posting to Twitter on whether a questionable player was seen in uniform before the game.
Things shouldn't really change that much I suppose. Teams shouldn't have to guess as much in prep for the game. I doubt it ever gave that much of an advantage by trying to be coy.
Presumably the rule change was based on good merit right? Well, apparently the betting markets in the gambling industry needs to have accurate info to set the lines before games. Go figure.
This is driven entirely by the betting industry, which to me is just another step toward divorcing FB from the colleges. It's true Lanning and many other coaches hate to discuss injuries and availability, but until betting got involved, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Y'all be correct. This is just about gambling. Watch these lines shift bigly in short order before kickoff if a player like Gabriel is questionable up to game day.
Yikes, this got dark quickly...
Personally, I'm all for it.
I really tire of the games and lies coaches contort themselves into to conceal injuries.
Chip was the worst. Just basically a bald-faced liar right into the camera and all of our faces.
I think the NFL model is the right one. I hate being bullshitted.