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Canzano is not my favorite columnist but I have consistently agreed with him re Larry Scott and this column is yet another example. I am sorry but the ASU looks like an idiot and he does the Pac-12 no favors. Hopefully, with only 3 and soon to be 2 Pac-12 presidents still in office who hired Scott, there will be a change in 2022.
It can't happen soon enough. Even cash-strapped OSU might find some relief with Ed Ray out of the picture.
not a fan of Larry Scott; nor one of his detractors, either. it will be 4-5 years before we'll know if retaining full media rights for the conference's on-field product was the right call.
but watching this latest Canzano meltdown is priceless. he's like a six-year-old child throwing a tantrum for attention. he plagiarized Wilner and a couple of LA Times writers for his 'award-winning' Bill-O hit piece, but anybody who matters just won't listen to him.
so today ASU's president--who supports Scott--is '63 years old' (clicked past senile years ago), 'old guard', 'out of touch', and Arizona State University is a 'Pac-12 outlier' (really? only been a member for 45 years). and Canzano 'suspects' that ASU's prez likes the current mess because it gives Sparky--whose AD financing is on solid ground--an advantage over its conf peers.
what's pathetic is that The O has cut staff, seen good reporters leave for $greener$ pastures, and can't afford copy editors or even proofreaders anymore. but they still pay this hack to publish uncorrected inaccuracies and drive traffic to his shout-radio show.
LOL! Pathetic! (JJB)
"Bill-O hit piece"
Who/what was that?
I've never forgiven Canzano for his attack on Bellotti's wife. I enjoyed commenting on his lame work at OLive.
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