Sounds like a cluster to me...
Pathetic that someone did this. Disgruntled employee? Intern hoping to curry favor with Canzano? I suppose someone could've leaked the letter hoping to rally fan support for their cause, inexplicably not realizing Canzano wouldn't play along. Fortunately, it won't take long for the media and trolls to move on to something else.
I don't blame the former players for making their feelings known in a private letter to R Mullens, they have that right. It is the leak and the timing of when it was published, and how it was presented by "the media" that is disrespectuf to the former players, D Lanning, and to the program. In the end, "their guy" turned down the job anyway.
Some of my favorite quotes that I read on twitter this morning in regards to "the media":
"Someone wanted to cause chaos because they got scooped."
"Wonder if ------- burned a bunch of sources tonight"
"Da fuq was da point?"
The "leak" was one of the letter writers, not an AD employee. It is not that big of a deal outside of the group of player alum who now have a mole in their midst, but I think this letter deal is a one-off...
That said, Canzano can't take the L and admit that he was outfoxed and he got scooped by the AJC after doubling down that the new hire was going to be some super secret NFL name or Wilcox/Kelly. FWIW, think that Canzano has burned a huge amount of equity that he slowly earned back with the MC regime. Who can trust this guy now? The Duck letter writers? Rob Mullins? Phil Knight? Dan Lanning? If his sources were that incorrect about this hiring process, how much closer to the truth will he get from here with those same sources?
I see a lot of arrows loading up in Canzano's quiver aimed straight to the narrative that the Ducks got this wrong.
We'll see!
Whether Akili Smith leaked the letter or not, it was certainly interesting listening to him, George, Joey et al taking PR matters into their own hands.